- About
- Mission, Vision and Values
- Dixons Academies Trust
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- Student expectations
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- Our nusery
- Leadership
- School meals
- Pupil Premium, Sports Grant and Swimming
- Our staff team
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- Improvement planning
School meals
Breakfast club
Each day we run a free breakfast club from 8 - 8.30am. All children are welcome. Within the club we provide cereal, bagels or toast and drinks (hot chocolate, low sugar juice). The club is a friendly place with lots of activities going on, which starts the day on a positive note. Staff are available to support children during breakfast club with their homework, if necessary. If you would like more details please ask at the Office.
If your child can't attend breakfast club, don't worry, toast or bagels are available at the door each morning!
School meals
Each day we hold family dining, this means that we sit with an adult and enjoy our lunch and have interesting discussions. We all eat the same food, which is nutritionally balanced. Our menu is repeated every three weeks. The menus are reviewed twice a year in collaboration with a group of children, however we do act quickly on feedback from children in between. The menu is available from the office.
Children are expected to give 1 weeks notice if they are changing from dinners to sandwiches or vice versa.
The children can also choose to have a packed lunches if they so wish, however these do need to be healthy: crisps and chocolate are only allowed on a Thursday. Water is provided for those on packed lunches.
You may be eligible for Free School Meals, if you would like some advice and an application form please ask in confidence at the office for details.
School milk and fruit
Bradford Council provide free milk for Nursery and Reception and free fruit for children from Nursery to Year 2. For all students from Y3 to Y6 the academy provides free fruit each day.
Children are welcome to bring snacks into school, but these must be healthy. Dried raisins or fresh fruit are best, should your child bring in unhealthy snacks then these will be confiscated. All children have access to water throughout the day, in order to keep them hydrated.