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Dixons Manningham Primary

Student expectations

There are certain expectations we ensure all students adhere to. These are set out below.


School uniform should be:

  • blue jumper/fleece with or without logo (available from Natasha’s or the Uniform shop with the logo)
  • grey long trousers, skirt, pinafore dress or shalwar kameez
  • white shirt or white collared t-shirt (optional when wearing a dress/shalwar kameez)
  • blue or black hijab/kufti (topi) - elasticated and plain (optional)
  • black shoes

Please make sure your child has a coat for the playground.

PE kit

PE kit should consist of:

  • white t-shirt
  • black or grey shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings - plain
  • plain black trainers
  • normal school jumper can be worn over the top of the t-shirt

All uniform items should have your child’s name written clearly in them.

The only branded item within our uniform policy is the school jumper, which is optional. All other items can be purchased from a range of shops.

Second hand uniform

The academy has second hand uniforms available, please enquire at the office if you need access to this.


We request that patterns should not be shaved into the head as this can distract students from their learning.


Jewellery must not be worn to school. If your child has pierced ears, small studs are permitted. Students who wear watches must take full responsibility for them, however they must be removed for PE.

Personal belongings

Students should not bring valuable personal items to school, as staff cannot be held responsible for them. Students are expected to take responsibility for their own school equipment, which must be named.


Money should not be brought into school unless for school dinners or educational visits.

All money should be paid in advance, in a clearly named envelope, stating the name of the child, the amount and what the money is for.

Charging for activities

We aim to provide experiences which build on the curriculum and are important to students experiences. The school does not receive extra funding for these activities and may ask parents/carers for voluntary contributions for activities. No student will be excluded from such activities if a contribution is not received, but the visit may be cancelled if insufficient voluntary contributions are received.

Extra curricular clubs

We offer a wide arrange of activities during lunchtimes and before and after school. There is a cost for cooking club all others are free, however students are expected to make a commitment to an activity and attend regularly.

School council

Representatives from each class regularly attend meetings held to discuss items on the agenda drawn up from suggestions made by the students themselves about key issues affecting them in school.

Positive behaviour

We take great pride in the behaviour of our students. The emphasis in the school is on promoting independence of behaviour through intrinsic motivation, so that they can regulate their own behaviour. This is backed up by a nurturing classroom that supports them to make the right choices. Where necessary we use the principles of restorative practice in order to support students to understand the impact of their behaviours and actions.

We have a Behaviour Management Policy which is consistently applied by all adults who work in our school. It is available from school if you wish to see a copy. Our Behaviour Management Policy is linked to our three core values:

  1. Achievement
  2. Integrity
  3. Unity